Friday, December 26, 2008

How Lance Is Dealing With Being Openly Gay

There's no good reason for people to verbally assault Lance Bass. He isn't a divisive public figure or a celebrity villain. And yet, homophobes routinely name-call the openly gay 'N Sync singer and third-place finisher on "Dancing with the Stars."

"Every other day, I get called a 'fag,' and get threatened to be beat up," Bass tells me. "There are still some really, really ignorant people out there."

I ask him, "Are these people really that mean and hateful?"

"Yeah, unfortunately," he says. "This is right to your face."

At what kinds of public spots does this happen to Bass? Nightclubs, for one. But it goes down at any given locale, he says.

"Wherever," Bass, 29, says. "Of course, we live in places that are more tolerant -- L.A., Vegas, those places -- but you go anywhere else, especially outside the country, it's just not as tolerant."

If you want to read more of the article goHERE

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