Friday, August 1, 2008

John Mayer Wants Laws Against Paps

John Mayer wants Los Angeles City Councel to regulate the paparazzi for safety of everyone. "I don't sit here before you today to ask that you ban the paparazzi. I'm asking you to regulate it, officialize it, tax it, legitimize it." John testified to City Hall. John also gave examples of the issues drivers are having with the paps like running red lights. John proposed "an acceptable distance" between paps and their target. Another suggestion was to place a "big white P on a yellow license plate that says the driver works for an accredited photo agency."

All celebs who are pretty popular have this problem and they all should be saying something, they pay taxes to live in LA just like everyone else.

Get this..L.A.'s police chef said the restrictions wont be necessary since Paris, Brit and Lindsay are better behaved. "If you notice, since Britney started wearing clothes and behaving; Paris is out of town not bothering anybody anymore, thank God; and evidently, Lindsay Lohan has gone gay, we don't seem to have much of an issue." Chief William Bratton told the media, "If the ones that attracted the paparazzi behave in the first place, like we expect of anybody, that solves about 90 percent of the problem. The rest we can deal with."

So I'm guessing he doesn't care about other drivers well being and the bashing of the three wasn't necessary.


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